I have always been a big fan of night time photography. From illuminated skylines to the electrified city streets that take on a life of their own with cars leaving light trails all over the place. I have always enjoyed recreating such images because of how different they are from the norm. Night time photography is a lot of trial and error, and i think i speak for a lot of people when i say this. When you take a longer exposure shot it might take two or three exposures to  arrive at what you want, which in turn takes up a lot of time, making it somewhat difficult for a newcomer to night photography to get the results they are looking for. In my opinion, the mecca of all night time photography (and more difficult to get right) is capturing star trails swirling across the sky while keeping the foreground interesting and eliminating noise(the digital grain that gets all over the picture) during these long exposure shots. 

Down below is a video i happened across on Youtube which features a presentation of star trails captured by a talented photographer taking it to the next level. Enjoy
   Well it turns out Lubbock has a Camera Club, and i will be an official member as of next month. Meetings are only once a month but hey, thats better than nothing. They have two types of meetings; a presentation meeting: where they will have a speaker and presentation about different styles of photography. The second type of meeting is a photo contest of sorts, however, members refer to it as "show and tell".
  Typically the first of the two types will be the prelude to the show and tell meeting(switching back and forth every month). The subject of the show and tell will be introduced and discussed during the presentation, essentially giving you one month to go out and put what you learned during the presentation to use. Check out their website at www.lubbockcameraclub.com . Their website has not been updated recently due to some technical problems which are in the process of being resolved. However, all meeting info is current. So if you are in the Lubbock area and are interested please feel free to drop by during a meeting to see what they are all about.
   I honestly never thought i would blog about anything. However, since i have decided to start a business i feel this is the best way for me to let others get to know me and understand the reasoning behind my methods. Moreover, it is important to me that i hear from/receive feedback from YOU about the site, my photography or just photography in general. You can either leave a comment on my blog or send me an email from the Contact page. I am going to make it a point to update this blog regularly. For a quick bio about me check the right side of the page. 

Until next time, this is Paul signing off.



       My name is Paul and I currently live in Lubbock, Tx. I enjoy playing Paintball, Cycling,     anything involving electronics, and Photography to name a few. 

       My interest in photography actually stemmed from an interest in videography. At an early age i would make home videos featuring exploding hotwheels, primitive horror films and even the more adventurous videos of my friends and i bombing hills on longboards and home made street luges. It was when i started dabbling in stop motion videography that i became interested in photography. I started out with my mother's point and shoot, yet i felt like there was so much untapped potential unachievable with her camera that i decided rather quickly that i needed a better one. By this time i had a job and after a couple of months got myself a bigger better camera. I joined a camera club in high school and a few years after graduating i got my hands on a Pentax DSLR. Pentax really appealed to me because of the enormous amount of compatibility with older, less expensive lenses. 

       Photography has been a part of my life for about 7 years now, although it has been a serious passion for only about 2-4 years on and off. 



    September 2012
    April 2012
    March 2012
    February 2012
    January 2012
    December 2011
    October 2011
    June 2011
    May 2011
    April 2011

